Author: Friederike Glauner

City & University

Studying at home is a challenge – tried an added time difference yet?

Does sitting in front of your laptop for eight hours a day to follow online classes sound familiar? Studying from home is a challenge for most students now in times of Corona, when most of one’s social contacts are either roommates or people that you can only see in bad quality on your own screen. Online education is tough, but for some students there are some additional obstacles put in their way: One of them is studying with a time difference.

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Quality time with friends – while social distancing

Now with the new corona measures coming up, meeting and especially spending some quality time with our friends is getting more and more difficult due to the fact that one is only allowed to meet three people at the time and public spaces like bars are closing at ten. Therefore, I want to present you three possibilities on how to spend some time with your friends while you keep distance at the same time.

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