Our Team
Luna Hollander (Chairwoman) – Hi! I’m Luna, a 21-year-old International Communication student in Groningen, and this year, chairwoman of the Groninger Studentenkrant. When I’m not buried in my duties as a full-time student, I enjoy travelling, watching my pet turtle do something extremely dumb, and practising martial arts. I want to be a journalist (I think), so I joined SK to improve my writing skills and gain some experience writing articles. I’m very proud of the articles I’ve written for SK so far, and am excited to write a whole bunch more!
Brunella (Secretary) – Hey! I am Brunella, a 3rd-year International Relations student at the RUG. I am Peruvian and grew up most of my life in between Perú and Guatemala. During my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, writing, listening to music, and sleeping. As a new writer for the SK, I am in charge of the segment Bike Stories, where I am discovering my storytelling skills and (honestly) also polishing my English. I really enjoy philosophy and politics, and I have an affinity for questions–which you will see often peaking through my pieces. I am excited to start this journey as a new addition to the team!
Luukas Vanha-Eskola (Treasurer) – Hey there! I’m Luukas, a 22-year-old financial wizard from the frosty realms of Finland, currently studying the magic of Business Economics in Groningen. As the treasurer of the Studentenkrant, I’m the guardian of our treasure chest, ensuring our coins don’t mysteriously vanish into thin air (or into beers during our social). When I’m not busy counting beans or studying, you’ll find me spiking volleyballs or cooking something. I joined SK this year to make sure our finances are in order, and to remind everyone that yes, Finland does exist!

Sean Campbell (Head Editor) – Hey, my name’s Sean! I’m a 22-year-old MA Journalism student living in Groningen. I like neo-soul music, Marvel movies, and video games. I joined the Studentenkrant three years ago because I was looking for a place where I could improve my writing skills, explore my interests, and meet some cool new people. I am now a part of the head editorial. There’s a very relaxed and playful atmosphere here that allows you a lot of creative freedom. In terms of writing, I mainly focus on entertainment-related topics (movies, television, music, games), but I am hoping to continue expanding my horizons!

Julia Gołębiewska (Writer) – Hi, I’m Julia, a writer at and former chair of Studenten Krant. I’m from Poland and I’ve lived in Groningen for four years, studying International Law at RUG. I love writing, watching movies and voicing opinions that no one asked for. I am passionate about human rights law and the environment, and I love to use SK as a platform to shed some light on the issues that matter to me. When I don’t talk about big issues, I write about pop-culture and student life in Groningen.
Sandra Mako Sanchez (Writer) – Hello, I’m Sandra, a writer at the Studentenkrant. I study media and journalism at the University of Groningen. I am half-Spanish, half-American and grew up primarily in South Korea and Germany. My background of being raised around many different cultures gave me insight into the different ways in which people relate to each other and imbue meaning. This has helped me in writing about topics such as music, art, and scientific research.
Magne Eelis (Writer) –
Anastassia Horiashko (Writer) –
Romana (Writer) – Hi! I’m Romana, a 21-year-old student of BA in Media Studies from Slovakia, who first left home to live abroad at 17. I enjoy cooking, drinking coffee and catching some vitamin D when possible. Just like I cannot sit still for a minute, so can’t my mind. I am curious and tend to dig deep into topics people usually don’t talk that much about publicly. This investigative notion is reflected in my academic work and I want to explore it more through writing and storytelling. I joined SK to develop my inner journalist in hopes of bringing something new to the readers.