
Studentenkrant’s Horoscopes for 2020!

2020’s skies hold some rocky weather. I won’t lie to you and say it’s going to be easy. Power struggles are in focus. However, some longer cycles are ready to restart fresh. Check your horoscope to see how this could play out for you. 

Important note: These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, also called the ascendant sign. However, you may still find insights by reading your sun sign. Feel free to try both and see which is more accurate. 

If you don’t know your rising sign, you can calculate it online. It depends on the exact time and location of your birth. is one reliable website for this. You are looking for the sign of the “AC”/“Ascendant”, which is located in the left part of your chart. 

Aries ♈️ 

2020 is your spotlight. Your unmistakable mark is plastered over it, though that mark is made out of your anger and frustration. You’ll run in circles. Pay attention to events from May to June in your relationships. That will also be a good time to check in on your siblings and neighbors. 

Don’t have an affair with someone older than you in the second half of this year, because all authority in your life will come out on top. Your edges will be unusually sharp. Don’t cut people unless you’re prepared to get cut back.

Taurus ♉️ 

Don’t trust any stability in your life right now. You’re liable to sudden change for several years. Contrary to your nature, right? But enjoy it while it lasts. Be flexible. Don’t fight it, or it will be more difficult. 

This year, expand your academic studies or travel. Alternatively, join a church and/or start practicing black magic. In May, you’ll be rethinking your finances and possessions. What physical resources best support you? What’s your livelihood? 

Finally, be wary of nightmares in the second half of the year. 

Gemini ♊️ 

Which of you two am I speaking to now? You’re going to have to figure that out in May, because it’s going to be all about you. Don’t take anything too serious. Instead, give into your playful nature. Though you may need to take some time to rethink what you actually enjoy.

In March, July and October, make sure you don’t get too lost in the past. At the end of November, you’re going to feel a strong hunger for yourself. Sounds funny, but it’s the best way to describe it. This sets off two years of major events and change between you and those people most significant to you. 

Cancer ♋️ 

After this year, I promise you’ll get some rest. Hold out a bit longer. It’s been tense, but after July, your relationships will be more clear. 

From September to November, your reputation will be in focus. Maybe you can pick up your old job again. In November, you’ll find your focus shifting to accidents and enemies. Problems in your life will grow, but you won’t necessarily be aware of what they are. Just stay your sweet, protective self and I’m sure you’ll be fine. 

Leo ♌️ 

The ennui of life has been building up so long for you, Leo. Distracting from your spotlight. Accidents, bills, slow ruin… how have you been keeping up with it? This year, you can get a loan from someone, possibly your partner, in order to make the necessary repairs. 

After that, in November, it’s time for you to finally have some fun. You’ll make a lot of new friends. If you’re looking to get married, consider setting a date for late December 2020. If you do, it will last a very long time. Last thing: don’t become a mad heretic. 

Virgo ♍️ 

Like Gemini, May is going to be an intense month for you. Your career will experience some remodeling. 

In March you’ll need to go over old territory in your relationships. Are you investing too much into them without getting what you want in return? Be careful about miscommunications with your partner, or your enemies, at this time. In July and October, contact those friends you haven’t spoken to in a few years.

Don’t gamble in the second half of the year, or you’ll go into debt.

Libra ♎️ 

What can I say, other than Ouch. You’re normally attracted to strong, feisty types, right? You’re going to have to rethink them, as well as rethink all your relationships in general in the second half of the year. You may break up, or start something new, or any combination of those, from July-December. But don’t take anything for absolute certain until the dust settles afterwards and you can clearly see. 

Before that drama, in May and June you should spend some time traveling. What’s your purpose in life? You’ll need some fresh air while you’re considering it. 

Scorpio ♏️ 

Whereas Aries has the boldest mark on the year, you are taking part of the same energy but from behind the scenes. (as usual…) Watch out for health problems and accidents in the second half of the year. You will get caught up in fights with your co-workers, unless you’re careful.

In May, your partner may get into some financial trouble. Don’t be afraid to help them. In October, someone from your past may contact you. Finally, the end of December will see you cementing your living situation.

Sagittarius ♐️ 

Hey Archer. You’re going to have to sharpen your aim. You might feel a bit drained all year, because you’ll be using your energy to fix some stubborn problems instead of charging ahead as usual. 

From May to June, watch out for texts from exes. Your love life could become a roller coaster. Hopefully after that you’ve found someone, because from July to December, you’ll be having sex until exhaustion. Alternatively, grit your teeth and use that energy for workouts, or for finishing that creative project you’ve been putting off. 

Capricorn ♑️ 

I know things have been rough for you. I also know you’re the only one with enough unrelenting dedication to have a chance at grasping control over the world. (Or at least over your social circles…) 

On the bright side, this year is bringing some relief for you. Well, relief on top of more intense action. You’ll find some ample opportunities if you don’t mind digging through the dirt. You might need to re-evaluate your housing situation and family in the second half of the year. But at the end of the day, you’re in ultimate control. For now.

Aquarius ♒️ 

You can expect some relief to come your way in December, as well as new responsibilities. While you’re considering your new responsibilities, also take a second (or third, or fourth) serving of desert during your holiday feast. Because after this year, those responsibilities are only going to get heavier. You’ll probably lose weight, or make an important decision about who you are.

In October, your family or siblings may become a problem. If they’re all frustrated, just take a deep breath and know it will pass.

Pisces ♓️ 

We all underestimate your expansive tenacity, don’t we? Like Sagittarius, your energy may in general feel a bit lower this year. There’s some real problems to fix, especially with your friends and social life, before you can return to your fantasizing. 

In March, your lovers will finally send you all those letters you’ve been denied. They’ll be long-winded, but you like that. In September, you can indulge in your old pleasures. You know what I’m talking about…

Chai Skyler

Ik ben student aan Academie Minerva, waar ik me focus op schilderen. Ik vind het al sinds ik een kind was leuk om te schrijven. In mijn vrije tijd ben ik meestal aan het lezen, schetsen of ben ik met vrienden. Ik heb een fascinatie voor astrologie. Mijn favoriete dier is de krokodil.