
The largest student newspaper in the Netherlands

Advertising at the Groninger Studentenkrant Foundation means reaching the entire Groningen student population for ridiculously small amount of money. Students are a difficult target group to reach, but since the newspaper is compiled entirely by students, our paper manages to stay sharp, relevant and fascinating.

//     Our designers can design an advertisement for you free of charge

//    All prices are exclusive of VAT

//    The more you advertise, the cheaper we become. We are happy to make an offer.

With an average of more than 10,000 visitors a week  on our site, Groningen is very digitally available! We currently have three different banner spaces on and we have three different advertising options for each banner. You can:

  • Pay per click. You pay for every time your ad is clicked. We can easily set a maximum so that you do not have to face unexpectedly high costs.
  • Pay per impression. You pay for every 1000 impressions of your advertisement. Every page view where your ad is shown counts as an impression. Here too we can easily set a maximum, so that you do not have to face unexpectedly high costs.
  • Buy a banner exclusively. The banner will then (at least a week) only show your advertisement.

We use the following prices for the online advertising spaces:

Square Sidebar  (right)Square Sidebar  (left)Skyscraper Sidebar  (right)Skyscraper Sidebar  (left)Leaderboard
(bottom of article)
maximum size200x200px280x280px200x440px280x600px650x120px1000x85px
per click€ 0.89€ 0.89€ 0.89€ 0.89€ 0.89€ 0.89
per 1000 impressions€ 1.69€ 2.99€ 3.69€ 3.99€ 4.39€ 4.99
exclusive per weekfrom € 30from € 40from € 60from € 80from € 89from € 100

For XL campaigns (Leaderboard of 1311x400px!) You can  contact  us.

It is now also possible to place an in-post advertisement for the highest conversion !!

From now on you can also place an advertisement in the middle of all our articles. Your advertisement is guaranteed to be noticed by our readers and this from just € 199 per week! Take up  contact  with us!

//  Other advertising options such as an advertorial can always be arranged! Please contact us for this.

//  The prices for online advertising are also exclusive of VAT

Groninger Student Newspaper
Oude Kijk in ’t Jat 39
9712 EB Groningen
ISSN 09270237