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Languages, Borders, and Belonging: How European Do People Feel? 

Do you know what the official anthem of the European Union is? Or how many official languages are spoken in the EU? What about how many people live in the EU? And who is it that leads us? 

How important is Europe to you? 

European Identity

The creation of the European Union came hand in hand with a dream that had long haunted Europe—the ambition to foster a sense of unity and a common supranational identity, one that would transcend cultural differences and the national particularities of each country. Back then, Jean Monnet, one of the EU’s founding fathers, wanted the EU to make people “work together, to show them that beyond their differences and geographical boundaries, there lies a common interest, a common identity.”

The European Parliament in Strasbourg (Source: Pixabay)

The Challenges of Identity in a Changing Europe 

According to the Eurobarometer 2024, 44% of EU citizens have a positive image of the EU, 38% a neutral image and 17% a negative one. Another Eurobarometer report shows that more than 39% of people in the EU express fear that the EU might erode their national identity and culture. 

The idea of multiculturalism in Europe, once celebrated, now seems under threat. For a few years, the EU has been increasingly portrayed as an amorphous danger that oversteps borders, languages, and national sovereignty rather than something that binds us together and truly appreciates our European culture and diversity. Political events such as Brexit, US president Donald Trump’s re-election, or the rise of right-wing extremist politics have reiterated  this fear of European integration.

Due to the alleged ”fragmenting” effects of globalisation, an overstepping European supranational organisation, and the presence of separatist movements, existential questions of who am I and where do I come from seem complex and harder to answer than ever before. More and more, we see a return to the strict separation between national identity and shared European culture.

In light of this ever growing opposition of multiculturalism, is it actually realistic to believe that a European identity could ever surpass the deeply rooted national identities that continue to shape people’s sense of belonging?

“If people see a Europe that is positive, that is open to the outside world, that doesn’t seek to impose excessive regulation, that creates wealth, that cares  for employment and that is doing good for the citizens, then over a period of  time, people will feel an emotional and intellectual attachment for such a  Europe.” Leon Brittan, former Vice President of the European Commission 

Growing up in the heart of the EU, Brussels, I always considered myself a “proud” European. I hold two nationalities, learned six languages, attended a European School, and made friends from across the continent. Despite embracing a strong European identity, though, I often felt caught between two worlds. In Austria, I was seen as Belgian; in Belgium, I was seen as Austrian. I never had a native language and  felt like I couldn’t separate my languages, my nationalities, and my traditions. They all just felt like a blur. Sometimes it felt like I didn’t belong, like my national identity and culture was fading, leaving me to wonder: was this loss of identity something others experienced too living in the EU?

The Interview

In this context, I conducted an interview with two students trying to find out what their feelings are on  the EU and its connection to their identity.  

Tobi, a 23-year-old psychology student, grew up in northern Germany, splitting his time between  Hamburg and family ties in Kiel. Tobi reflects a more traditional, localized, and nationally rooted way  of upbringing. Mia, a 21-year-old medicine student, was born in Germany but spent her younger  years in Brussels (with some ties to Sweden). Attending a European School, Mia received an  international education that immersed her in German, English, French, and Swedish, shaping a multicultural perspective from an early age. 

Does your personal identity feel more connected to your country or to Europe? 

Tobi: More German, even North German. However, I’m proud of my European identity and the EU is  the best thing that could happen to bring European countries together.  

Mia: I didn’t grow up in my home country but in Brussels, so at some point, I stopped feeling entirely  German, especially since we also had connections to Sweden. I often preferred to identify as  European. You don’t really belong anywhere, but you do belong to Europe. Now that I’ve returned to  Germany, I realize how nice it is to fully embrace your own culture again. 

 “I felt closer to other Europeans, and I realized that we shared a lot. You have to be somewhere else to feel European.” – Cédric Klapisch, Film Director

Do you think the European Union makes people lose or feel less connected to their national  identity? How much do you think the EU affects your daily life?  

Tobi: No. I still grow up in my home country with our culture and traditions. The EU doesn’t really  affect how my daily life looks. I learn about other cultures more through exchanges with other  people, but this interaction doesn’t threaten my own national identity. I’ve been positively shaped by  my German identity, though I can imagine this might not be the case for everyone. 

Mia: Identifying with my national identity has been easier since moving back to Germany. The EU, in  my opinion, thus shapes my day to day life more in a cultural sense than in a political sense. I think  the EU can connect people by mixing cultures, but at the same time, it increasingly blurs or separates  one’s national identity from others. But I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing.  

Do you think a person can be “too European” or learn “too many languages”? 

Tobi: No. Being multicultural is completely normal. It has always happened and will continue to  happen worldwide. Culture should be preserved in some way. Culture for me is like knowledge that  isn’t just factual but builds up with many different factors over years. It doesn’t have anything to do  with being more or less European. 

Mia: I don’t think so. It can be very enriching because it allows for greater cultural exchange.  However, I do think there exists something such as a “European bubble”, which I think can have a negative effect on pressuring people to stay in this ‘international world’ where one NEEDS to learn more languages, live abroad, and be successful.

‘HOW IS THE EU RELEVANT TO YOUR DAILY LIFE?’ – The Erasmus Program, the Schengen Agreement, the Euro, the Single Market, the European Health Insurance Card, the European Green Deal, DiscoverEU, Roaming.EU&ME 

European Identity: A puzzle in motion

At the end of the day, it’s safe to say European integration is unlikely to replace our national  identities. Instead, I would say it may rather lead to their redefinition, where it becomes normal that cultures and identities may not be as clearly defined as they used to be. With my experience, I learned that identity isn’t fixed – it evolves constantly shaped by our experiences, our differences,  our traditions and even our political opinions. Sometimes I will feel more European, sometimes I will be happy to have my own national culture. But the question remains: how important is Europe to you?

Well… Whether you see it as a source of opportunity, a symbol of unity, or a distant yet encroaching bureaucracy, your perspective contributes to the ongoing story of European identity.

A little extra fun?

If you want to test your knowledge on some basic facts about European culture, take the following quiz!