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Limited Edition: Groninger Museumnacht 2020

It is that time of the year again! On the 12th of September, the Groninger Museumnacht will be organized. The fourth edition of this evening filled with art, culture and fun will take place under different circumstances this year. With the current restrictions and precautions against Covid-19, one can speak of a Limited Edition! This therefore guarantees a festive yet adjusted program with art, but also music, workshops, dance and tours. 

 The Museumnacht is an initiative of the Groninger Museum, Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum, GRID Grafisch Museum, Storyworld and the Universiteitsmuseum Groningen. The event is somewhat of a cultural phenomenon in our city. With a great amount of young visitors, on average between 20 and 35 years of age, it certainly is an event that you do not want to miss out on as a student.

Normally, in the years prior to this one, you could purchase a single ticket for all the museums. Now, however, every museum sells their own tickets per timeslot for € 2,50. The participating museums are open between 7pm and midnight, and provide a varying program.   

Groninger Museum    

The Groninger Museum, for example, provides its visitors with music, workshops, cocktails, tours and dance performances. Artists, such as S10, the collective X_YUSUF_ BOSS from Groningen and Cashmyra will welcome you within the walls of the museum with musical performances and other acts. To sign up for the other activities, you can register at the entrance of the museum with your ticket. 


At Forum, you can behold the drawing skills of artist Jan-Willem Spakman, live on the big screen at the grandstand. Have you always dreamed of seeing your idol as a cartoon character? Or are you curious to see a caricature of yourself? Jan-Willem does it all.

Wimpie Comics. Photo: Jan-Willem Spakman

By means of workshops held in Wonderland, you can learn the art of drawing cartoons or bookbinding. On the sixth floor, at the Smartlab, you can relive your childhood by reading your favorite strips or by drawing in the coloring picture of Suske and Wiske in Groningen. 

GRID Grafisch Museum Groningen 

GRID also provides various activities, alongside live music of Het Alto Kwartet, and inspiration taken from the exhibition Met opzet, pop-up boeken uit de collectie Ruurd de Boer. Print your own cards, for example, by using the ‘Werkman-’ technique, create flyers with an original pressing machine or design a pop-up card. 

Universiteitsmuseum Groningen

The Universiteitsmuseum takes you back to the youth of Aletta Jacobs and her battle for equality. See with your own eyes how she convinces minister Thorbecke of her right to be permitted at university in one single letter. On top of that, you can listen to stories linked to the exhibition and walk through the Dead Zoo. 

Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum

Finally, teacher, rapper and host Olaf Vos will teach you the most important words and sentences that will get you through the nightlife of Groningen, at the Noordelijk scheepvaartmuseum (handy!). Get ready for subjects such as drinking beer and hitting on someone by means of erotic-slang from Groningen.

Olaf Vos. Photo: AnitaPhotography

Besides music from (among others) Bach and Beethoven, performed by pianist Jesse Wienke, Jan-Willem Spakman will also be a part of the program at the Scheepvaartmuseum. This time, he will draw at your request!

Jesse Wienke. Photo: Jesse Wienke

Moreover, Esmé van den Boom will share her research on the question ‘what do women want?’ by means of her prose, poetry and songs. 

Esmé van den Boom. Photo: Henk Veenstra

Do you also like Yoga? And what about beer? We thought so. The Usva organizes their famous beer-yoga at the museum! A good preparation for the final part of the evening: below the creaking beams of the attic, a Korean horror story will be narrated. Say no more!

The attic of the Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum. Photo: Karlijn Donders

Tickets are available via:

Jolien Vermeulen

Een jaar geleden besloot ik in een spontane bui om me aan te sluiten bij de Groninger Studentenkrant, en het is sindsdien een van de beste keuzes geweest die ik ooit gemaakt heb. Mijn passie voor schrijven is dankzij de SK weer aangewakkerd, en mijn studie English Language and Culture komt hier volledig tot zijn recht. Ik heb heel veel aan de SK te danken en hoop dit jaar een prachtig bestuursjaar te hebben waarin ik de SK op een hoger voetstuk hoop te plaatsen.